The G13 Calendar War

This is the account of my legal fight against the mandatory (de facto, not de jure) use of the Gregorian Calendar (decreed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582) to establish half of my identity. Even though I'm engaged in a battle with governmental entities here in the United States, my ultimate war is against the Roman Catholic Church and the authority/jurisdiction of the pope to determine what calendar is used by the peoples and nations of the world. []

June 06, 2006

Calendars and consciousness

    Here on 06-06-06 (according to the Whore), I thought I'd share a few quotes from a lecture on the Mayan Calendar that shows how important the Gregorian calendar -- and any calendar -- is for us individually and as a society.
    “What is a calendar? A calendar is an agreement of a society or civilization on what time it is. It’s actually the dead-center of any civilization or any group consciousness. It’s where everything happens in regards to, or relation to. In our society, what we have as far as an agreement about time is a thing we call the Gregorian calendar...

    “Your consciousness always has a location – a bullseye. A place in time and place – an orientation. Your consciousness is oriented to time and place. It is this point, right here (where time and place intersect), that is the location of your viewpoint. Our calendar – the agreement on what time it is … you can see how intricate it is to the consciousness of a civilization or individual...

    “Our Gregorian calendar works in reference to the sun. And this is the focus of our civilization’s consciousness. Our definition of time, as a people, is: “physical motion through space = time

Ian Xel Lungold – “The Evolution Part 2 – The Next 9 Years” DVD)