The G13 Calendar War

This is the account of my legal fight against the mandatory (de facto, not de jure) use of the Gregorian Calendar (decreed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582) to establish half of my identity. Even though I'm engaged in a battle with governmental entities here in the United States, my ultimate war is against the Roman Catholic Church and the authority/jurisdiction of the pope to determine what calendar is used by the peoples and nations of the world. []

May 27, 2009

AZ DL cancelled

    Soon after the AZ judge denied my petition to change my date of birth, because of the lack of authority, I took authority into my own hands and altered the date of birth on my birth certificate.
    I then presented it to the AZ DOT-MVD in Willcox and said that there had been a mistake made on the DOB on my driver license. After inspecting the certificate, the agent proceeded to make the necessary changes.
    I couldn't believe it! But he had coke-bottle glasses and had to squint pretty hard to look at it. So he didn't notice the alteration.
    So now my DL had my correct/true date of birth on it.
    Then a couple of months later, I contacted the AZ DOT-MVD and told them what I had done -- without revealing who I was, yet. I was informed that my DL could be suspended/cancelled and possible criminal charges filed.
    I exchanged a few e-mails with Paul Deem (Detective Supervisor of the Fraud Documents Unit) to find out exactly what to expect, but he was no help -- just wanted my name and DL#.
    Then about a month(+/-)  later, I provided Deem with the requested info. But I was not made aware of any changes until I tried to re-register my Explorer. My DL had been locked, so I wasn't able to get it registered.
    So about 6+ weeks ago, I went to Tucson to meet with Detective Buller of the AZ DOT-MVD about the status of my driver license.
    I told him about what I did (submitted my birth certificate with the correct/true date of birth) and why I did it (to start the legal ball rolling for case law).
    He admitted that what I did was illegal, and that I could be ticketed/arrested, but that he didn't want to fool with it. He talked to another detective, and he agreed that it was best to do nothing.
    I told Buller that I'd rather not go to jail, but I did want criminal charges filed. But he refused! He just decided to cancel my DL and let me go . . .