The G13 Calendar War

This is the account of my legal fight against the mandatory (de facto, not de jure) use of the Gregorian Calendar (decreed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582) to establish half of my identity. Even though I'm engaged in a battle with governmental entities here in the United States, my ultimate war is against the Roman Catholic Church and the authority/jurisdiction of the pope to determine what calendar is used by the peoples and nations of the world. []

May 28, 2009

Petition for Hearing

    About a week after my meeting with Detective Buller, I received an Order of Suspension/Cancellation from the AZ DOT-MVD that stated:
    "The records of this department indicate that you have provided fraudulent information to obtain a license and/or identification card; and therefore ordered: Pursuant to ARS 28-3306 and 3301 that your license, permit, or privilege to operate a motor vehicle upon public highways of this state be suspended."
    Then, upon reading the statutes referred to and Black's Law Dictionary, I realized that I did not provide "fraudulent information." So I decided to make a Request for Hearing in order to appeal the decision to cancel my DL.
    Here is the text of my Request:


    As per the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS in the ORDER OF SUSPENSION/CANCELLATION, and my right under A.R.S. 28-3306(D), I do hereby request a hearing on this matter for the following reasons:


In the ORDER it is alleged that I "provided fraudulent information" to obtain my driver license, but this, in fact, is not correct.


According to Black's Law Dictionary (8th Edition), fraudulent is the adjective of fraud, which means:


1. A knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his/her detriment.

   2. A misrepresentation made recklessly without belief in its truth to induce another person to act.

3. A tort arising from a knowing misrepresentation, concealment of material fact, or reckless misrepresentation made to induce another to act to his/her detriment.

4. Unconscionable dealing; esp. in contract law, the unfair use of the power arising out of the parties' relative positions and resulting in an unconscionable bargain.


Under the definition of fraud, there is a list of different types of fraud – without "fraudulent information" being listed. The closest phrase I can see is "fraudulent act":


     Conduct involving bad faith, dishonesty, a lack of integrity, or moral turpitude.


When I offered my Texas Birth Certificate with my date of birth altered, I did not recklessly misrepresent any truth or conceal any material fact. Nor did I act in bad faith, dishonestly, without integrity or moral turpitude.


The fact of the matter is that I actually represented the truth and revealed a material fact (my true date of birth). I also acted in good faith, honestly, with utmost integrity and moral turpitude.


Instead of being fraudulent, the antonyms of "authentic, fair, genuine, honest, real, valid" ( would be better used to describe information I provided to obtain my driver license – which can and will be proved at the hearing, and a court of law.


Therefore, I did not violate anything listed in A.R.S. 28-3301/3306.



    So now, I wait with eager anticipation for this hearing/battle to commence . . .